One step at a time
It's like learning to fly or falling in love.

pe on the wrong days
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

mon trg, tues PE, wed trg, thurs PE!!!
wat is thisz???!!!! madness.. i'm tired.
love bio although sometimes i just stare blankly at the lecturer.
haha..so glad one sub down.
anyway, today sch ended at 2 but cca start at 5.
so i went to the grand stand and played rugby with ruggers..seniors
dk who..haha. then played bball with bball girls:D
so happy today although was quite sian waiting for cca to start.
canteen's food super boring-.-lll
but i got funny and laugh non-stop friends:D
today we spent 1h telling each other stupid jokes.
anyway, i realise that PJC teachers are abit CC.. looks like.
mr sas got hot bod sia..very muscular tooxD haha..
got this very good senior that correct me in vball
praise me when i did well too=D
he's so good!!! my model=D

Monday, February 22, 2010

at first i was :*(
first my specs broke but ultimately, tt's not why i was :*(
i don't like wat you just said, hope you can take back your words.
it really hurt me.. i tried my best but no one was coaching me!!!!!!!!
no matter how strong i may seem, i still have feelings.
to you it may be guidance but it really made me regret the decision of taking on this job.
I'VE TRIED MY BEST?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!
i always look up to you but now you made me turn my back
i thot i was proud of myself, my achievements..therefore now i'm NOT!
you made me sink deeper into self esteem...
i don't like pple who cry cuz i'm softhearted
why must there be pple crying and not happy??
why must we make each other's life difficult?
LOVE ONE ANOTHER my friends.
love one another andrea.

Friday, February 19, 2010

virus infection and
anyway, see shenton also got to queue for 2h+ to see doc
1 wk mc from pe! can't believe it!!!!
had to skip my road run:(
was quite tempted to run actually:D
but i too guai liao..can't help itxD

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

38.1 degrees on CNY 2nd day..
with high fever, giddy and feeling very cold!!
felt like vomitting after having slight lunch:(
how discomforting=( felt like i was having malaria?!
had honey drink, 2 cups of *bleh herb drink, 12 tablets, 1 panadol
with sleeping the whole day cured my unpredicted illness
think my temperature was even higher in the afternoon

garang guni me=)
Sunday, February 7, 2010

i feel tt i'm gg back to the same cca again!!!
1st reason: the other ccas needed lots of running(netball)
2nd reason: badminton is super slack and have very arrogant ex players
3rd reason: bukit panjang vball girl joining me:D
4th reason: feel so itchy hand to play ball
5th reason: it's WITHOUT pressure! :)
6th reason: more bonded to senior at vball team
7th reason:miss the time we had trgs with my batch:'(
all sports trg are 4h?? like super tired after badminton trg cuz we ran alot
met lots of pri sch friends, some quite shuai le and gentlemen too..hahahaxD
anyway, our orientation have'nt even start yet, official starting date tmr!
till CNY!!! can't believe itxD having college run on the 19? die-.-
we had JC1 CIP trip- being garang guni woman:)
hahaha..but it's fun when you meet this men tt looks like he is selling his flat!
baby cot, tv, computer, pc, toy carS... hahaha.
this great world with that great man!:D

days grow longer and as the time goes by, things are taking their change. may love remain no matter how the weather change. may love remain no matter how tough the life may be. may love remain no matter how cruel the reality is.

Music by Jordin Sparks

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