One step at a time
It's like learning to fly or falling in love.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

ohh no!! i'm gonna be dragged to play tennis!!
HELP!!!!!!!!! seriously don't feel lyk moving abt
lying on the sofa just feel much better
i can wake up at 11am, lie on sofa to 11pm, then sleep
hahaa..now i know why fat pple don't like to exercise! cuz they are just too lazy!
i did'nt go to church for 2 weeks cuz i was in batam and i was working
sorry for being too demanding.
my father is getting more and more weird
he wantedd to get something from his sister so he called the hse to know wat floor
" hello..you wat floor ar?"
haha..if it was me i would have said marble floorxD
my sis replied wooden planks
anyway then yest he was buying a door bell the one in the hse.
he ask the person:" the door bell is put inside or outside one?"
like izzit'nt is obvious..guess he suddenly became retard..hahaxD
ohh and i have a friend that wanted to call me but called my mum's hp instead
"hello andrea?" "no i'm her mum.who are you?"
"i'm val" "val from where?" "val from bukit gombak"

Saturday, November 28, 2009

ohh no i really grown fatter, even my relatives say so.
yest went to eat buffet dimsum at chinatown restaurant
seriously their service sucks cuz the waitress slow and kept frowning
hope they grow old faster..hehexD
aiyo lazy to go running liao..i rather stay home lie on bed than shopping
today's gonna work later
on the first day of work when i learned how to take orders,
my first customers were 2 korean office ladies
so must 'encourage' them to buy drinks to earn more revenue
" would you like any drinks? lime juice,barley, chrys.."
" ehh..no. do you sell beer?"
wah ehh i'm super shock trying to recall wat beer there was
like wat? 11.30am calling for beer?!
hahaha..then learn how to pour beer..so rare chance of striking toto
emm..but the ginseng chicken soup is really not bad:D

funny things happen at work:D
Friday, November 27, 2009

quite busy nowadays, not with playing but working.
nobody to play with so decided to work.
spent whole morning calling many restaurants until uncountable
shermaine was super despo so help her lor..
eg: kiddy palace, sakae sushi, F&N, metro..
can see tt she's despo right??!!! ahahxD
yah so i'm working at penang place restaurant at je BIP
boss and workers mostly christians so working environment quite good.
$4.50 per hour including 3 meals. buffet meals:D
everyday eat until shuang shuang then go home
hahhaa..maybe this time i really will get fat.
job's quite flexible as in you can choose to work in the afternoon or night
so there's 2 shift. the rule is just work 4-5 days frm mon to sat can liao.
the food there is #$%^&* super nice!!!:P
learn how to take buffet and ala carte meals got to be real fast
got to remember lots of rule esp the stupid coffee
very diff to carry when it's full, spill a bit got to change the whole thing:(
super busy unprepared customers came for lunch yest
the whole restaurant was simply packed until diff to walk.
kept taking orders and running to the door to invite customers.
hahaa..all the workers there are students(poly)..so quite fun
chef are nice and funny, aunties also.
dk why but customers simply like to talk to me.
" i only ate 2 plates from buffet? is there a discount??" then he laughed
like diao-.-lll it's a buffet duh..he know the ans alr still ask
" are you a student? you gg poly or jc? wat course you taking?"
wah like super busy liao still must entertain them!! ahha..
then yest Rev. Heng came to the restaurant!!! he gave me CD tracks:D
first week into the job was quite fun, love the customers also
on the first day of the job i butt-ed a customer
while clearing the plates of another..hahaxD so ps!!!
yest a customer turn ard and trip overr my leg, almost fall on shermaine
hahah!!! instead he was very apologetic:D
pick up calls for reservations and the volume was blasting
can't hear the name clearly of the person so was like "huh??!!"
hahaa..guess the person was a little frusstratedxD
lots of pple think me and shermaine are sisters. even customers*
night duties are more slack but workers are even slacker than me.
" tonight there's everything on the ala carte menu except fried rice set"
1 worker told me tt and i heard the other way round
so i went to tell the customer the wrong thing then they super sad at first.
hahaha..after tt so ps faster went to tell them again but they won't angry:)
okayy, it's abt all. some customers pronounce menu as "mae-nuuuur"
hahah..sound like manurexD

Monday, November 9, 2009

too bored.
slacked thru'oout fri, sat and sun
love sat shows..tao hua xiao mei!!!
very LOL show..hehe. coupled with the devil wears prada
retaking cheena tmr.
on sun after church met some jss pple like..planned like tt.
wearing formal wear? they'll like quite shock or something?
tt tme jasmine was like stop right at track and stared at me..
sian..this is weird actually..
going overseas end of year
was trying out water sport but taiwan earthquake?
vietnam flooding, now maybe cambodia.
just realise i won't get fat from eating=(
i've been eating alot le.. maybe skipping bfast really did the job.
sian...now i would like to be fat fat fat:D

one of the shots took from the airplane going shanghai.
taking temp with radar equip.

the shop
Sunday, November 8, 2009

as the car ran pass the shop
it brought some sudden thoughts
just like some sweet sour pork..haha. rhymes.
but really, i can't help but kept staring at it.
i could have figured out the route and if i was alone
i would stop by and kept the replay.
in a moment of quiteness, a small token could do the job
well, i don't know about others tt don't think the same as me
while i seems diff when diff people does it.
gifts does'nt have to be expensive but just from the heart
don't like pple who give me exp things, as in don't appreciate?
weird but it's my personality. sorry?
sometimes i hope replies would come..
but when it comes, i want it to stop right now.
i dreamt abt this sms that i send.
are dreams really things from your heart?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

i'm happy:D delusion.

days grow longer and as the time goes by, things are taking their change. may love remain no matter how the weather change. may love remain no matter how tough the life may be. may love remain no matter how cruel the reality is.

Music by Jordin Sparks

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layout by Jacquelyn
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