One step at a time
It's like learning to fly or falling in love.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

sick.i feels like the hini flu
haha..maybe becuz it came from my scary dreams
you know like the devil works in me?haha.
got to be more focus..stay on track!
travelling soon..
sat morning flight.
arhh..cough* coming

dreamy nights`
keep dreaming abt bio exams
tt time was spa,now it's o levels mcq..
then there was this wushu,fight for ur life kind of dream
sadden ending..
dreamt of late for exams again
then bio MCQ qn, every qn i write a 6 figure grid number
then all wrong..somemore can copy ans one
arh..is this so called a vision?
i hope wish cross my fingers,not!
afraid,kept having cold sweat..until i open my eyes
then slept again..then came the wushu dream
this collapsing building with me and someone else
must climb to the top,keep meeting this ugly..monster?
all the factors that i'm afraid of all appeared
can't help thinking..feel so helpless
it seems like the movie monster inc.
now i'm scared of sleeping.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I HATE YOU!! :`(
i hate regrets
i don't know wat's my aim,wat i'm gg for
dreams make me recall the wonderful moments
pulling me apart from reality
i often have to shatter my own dreams
it's like crushing ur own beautifully drawn art piece
it makes me very scared
very afraid,feel indebted
why must my dreams repeat my past?!

Friday, May 15, 2009

study,play bball and then went shopping
shopping at queenstown ikea
haha..bought a yellow towel for mummy
went shirt hunting
haha..but gets to know a new friend
talkative,fasinated and lamer*haha..quite entertaining thoughxD
now must chiong le.
have'nt be productive phy must score B!=D
first time see weiguang so fierce
super shocking lah! but it's quite bad
we must learn to accommodate one another!

Run to dream land!

heat wave's making me crazy!
Thursday, May 7, 2009

haha..saw vijay second time!
came out of mrt with geraldine
then saw my mother, then saw her looking right at me!
haha..saw her atm-ing,gg into "take away" then to 7-11
why of all place must she leave here??!!!
jul! sorry if my words were too harsh or pointy
really hope you'll feel better and stay happy okay=)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

6 chapts of chem
5 chapts of geog
6 chapts of phy
1 chapt of e-maths
the biggest chapt of bio(think i forgotxD)
yupp..tt's all but it's marvelous
izz'nt the numbers beautiful?!:D

days grow longer and as the time goes by, things are taking their change. may love remain no matter how the weather change. may love remain no matter how tough the life may be. may love remain no matter how cruel the reality is.

Music by Jordin Sparks

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layout by Jacquelyn
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