One step at a time
It's like learning to fly or falling in love.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

compettions are coming up nxt fri
work work work!
i'm so lazy and lying around this few days
agatha christie where are you?
haha..maybe she's dead liao
but i feel like reading
at the middle of the sch i have this feeling of guilty
moving away but i don't know why
maybe it's wat i always use to do
why can't i have the thought of cherish?
but i tried many times to go against my heart
but my will is failing me
i don't think i could rewrite tt
i'm a benevolent ruler tt's why it hurts me
soft hearted and not beneficial to me

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

scored so badly for chem
hope for phy to at least a B!
bio tmr following by chi
sec 4 life is so hectic
back to lesson time:
hisyam is a real cool joker
i say:you suck
he say:yes ma'am!
anyway he's like cool but appearance can be decieving!!!xD
during bio was 1/2 of CME lesson
talking abt reunion 'recess' in class,weiguang in charge
ms lim: wat you'll want?
WG:(retarded) huh?sheng shiong where got cake?
pandan cake ar?
hahaxD wat i joke..imagine we'll eating only 1 slice of dry pandan cake for reunion.
ms lim:wat else?
ms lim:wat kind?how many bottles?
ms lim:tt's for ages 1-4!
guy:then drink 4 cups of it!
guy:so we shall buy 2-3 cans?
haha..lol.so stupid lah!crap,having yusheng sponsered
then came eng with ahmoh woman
"eRRmm..we shall..."
then could'nt catch wat she was trying to say
she blabbered and blabbered fastly
haha..everyone was like diao at her then open mouthbig big
chem was lab still doing titrations!
i finally got it leh!i'm soo soooo happy!!!:D
pipette filled many times and all perect!yay!
phy my phone ring during test..the song played
lucky!! but test was okay.
then trg was good cuz din do wat i hated.haha
i know a news tt will surprise them but shh...
hehe..tmr morning batch gathering!:D

Sunday, January 18, 2009

piss off when my mother sneak up and buzz at my ears
arhh...i'm so bored.
fri and sat was having trg
then reach home liao go out again with parents.
only today can revise and do h/w..cham ar!!!
i don't want all this! it's not the life want..
i think therefore i am?okay there's no time for thinking
hehh..must study for bio and phy test..chem is dead liao
fri's lesson was scary..mr woon threw marker at Shei
haha..wat's funny was after tt everyone very very quiet
(meiyu sitting in front turned to talk to qihui beside me)
meiyu: (whispering)hey andrea,you help me see mr woon
he throwing marker the time tell me hor.
she was half facing me,half facing teacher
meiyu:hey qihui,later you got choir?(super whispering)
qihui:yah,why you ask?(whisper back)
meiyu turn to look at teacher then told me to look out for her again
haha..i laugh until like mad lah
they scared until like tt!
i say: just talk normally lah,nvm one lah
they say: crazy lah,i don't want markers!
haha..i laugh until die.they're still very reluctant!xD
the rest i can't rem..wat i pity
got to nap le..bye:D

Thursday, January 15, 2009

okay everyone is watching american idol
so i got time to blog!
no trg today and thus spend my time revising(as usual)
chilly everyday even in the mid afternoon lah!
siao..turning meat balls alr.hahaxD
chi lessons are bad cuz the teacher is bias lah!
stand for 1/2 a lesson? cuz i spoke eng?
sianzz..always standing.immune
bio was BORING!! ms lim is like chionging insulin topic
was trying to conc while resting my head on table
haha..yupp,could'nt help dozing off
awake manytimes by spasm(jerking)
like i got muscular problems.haha:D
drank coffee to stay awake
oh yah!stood awake for eng lesson,editing a gay marriage compo
i was laughing non-stop till i cried.
think caffeine reAlly helps!
and plus CME lessons...did this dumb quiz
Q)how many jewelry are you wearing now?
gone to movies 5 times in 1 month?
family car?gone disneyland past 3 years?
the best was-count the no. of clothings you have with the logo outside
like craqzy lah..how i know??!!!
anyway,i kept screaming in class and now i <3>!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

suppose to try to stop blogging
must conc and strive!motivation !
i must everyday do at least 1 compre,and all h/ws
listen and laugh lesser in class or (softly)hahaxD
was late for schooling today
but surprisingly ms tang did'nt ask for her 40 push up
(1 time late,20 push up)so cruel right??
ms lim also din ask,hmm...
maybe my enterance was'nt grand enough..hahaa:D
suppose to leave hse at 6.30 but woke at 6.30
slowly take my time but arrive just be4 singing..heng sia
haha..heard pple getting angry with money probs
while i got angry and frustrated with chem!
i was trying to do titration
and 2nd step was to fill the pipette with 25units of liq
2nd step and i got stuck for 1/2h tyring to release air bubble
so irritating lah!!air bubble causing pressure to liq
everyone gt pink liq while i was achieving 2nd step
then,bell ring...sian lah!!! hate pipettes!!!!!
this is o level experiment and here i am doing nothing
for this i missed recess and fulled by anger
fortunate to have my beloved friend to cool me down
thks to you listen to my troubles and cooling me down
took me away to freedom for 2h?i'm quite happy even though
how i wish this could carry on everyday..frreedom frm nagging
shouting frm level 4(classroom) was fun
shout at teachers walking up staircase
"ms lim"!! "mr woon"!!
haha..they'll start turning round and round
but they are surrounded by walls(only a bit gap)
haha...so dumb and funny lah!haha..but they so cute
love schooling with teachers as my best buddies:D

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

accumulation in progress
must stop thinking tt i'm tired
stress is another word when in class and at home
if you see tt i'm laughng away crazily in class,
it's probably a form of relieving stress
arhh she just came into my room to check on me
this is so frustrating..i want to be on my own!!!
today's lesson was okay
with funny bio lessons as usual and eng free period
bio i forgot way was funny
but i know after lunch..
i laughed at weiguang for having a girlfriend
whom i was pointing out of the window at some random person
weiguang then disfigured mas selamat's face
JUL was screaming away...
i was laughing at some crapy stuff
then at chem exam we were super high
greet ms ong super loud
hoping tt there was no test so she play along with us too
went crazy and could'nt conc on test
1 ques says how many tablets you take to cure stomach pain
after calculation: andrea's answer is 18 tablets
hhaa..can you believe..18
though there was someone who wrote 1/10
LOL...cut the tablet into 10 and eat 1 of it?haha

Friday, January 9, 2009

for the nxt episode on andrea's diary
i'm gg to talk abt sch stuff again!
1) stanley tan was teaching half way
when a guy from level 1 shouted the f*** word super loud
he totally stun tio,like it's so..shall i use the word unusual to him.
2) he said he was handsome and i said huh..
like din realise it was tt loud then everone started lauging.
anyway,he's not like very handsome lor...
3) at english lesson,we are having this act of writing compos.
different grps writing abt marriage,flight,heroes.
then write one para,change paper and carry on story
so dumb lah! my flight(escaping)story of a kidnapped child
turned overnight into a raping story by another grp
don't know how are we gg to end of the story in the end leh!
then marriage story become warfare story by kang shiong!
haha..but think quite fun lah!lotzs of diff ideas make a compo!
4) be4 rg we asked our thai coach how he's leg injured
saying tt he start a motorbike but end up go stun.
so crap lah..if it is he will be in hospital liao.
then he said he ride motorbike and hit wall.
all he and hid motorbike story..so lame and crapee
anyway,ll the laughing i have today make me so tired
reading bio cuz nxt wk got 4 test leh! i want to score A!!!
must work hard, high achievers!:D

Thursday, January 8, 2009

made a mess out of my blog
feeling very lethargic yeaterday
so i screwed up the blog,spoiling everything i have.
think i must be crazy.
i realise i'm having this mood swings nowadays
especially to the bad side..
quite easily agitated and pissed off
huh..think i lack of sleep
concentration was quite hard for me but had 30 sec of laughing session everylesson ms lim comes in and start drawing bio stuff
haha..she very funny and her drawings are...******cmi
LOL..ms tang is gg crazy with us too!
during english lesson teaching compo
tang: so wat is must the compo start with?
boy: a hook
tang: good,like a saying or... okay so wat's after tt?
another boy: a bait!
tang: emm..okay,tt will attract the readers.so wat's after the bait?
me: fish?
boy: gardenia,bonjour or sunshine!
haha..LOL.typical english lesson of our class
talk lots of nonsense although we look very guai.haha
(nxt one) during phy lesson-teaching sound molecules
mr tan: first row girls please stand in a row and face class.
when i knock the girl beside me,plz pass the current.
tan: so when the current reaches me(end),shout OH YEAH!
LOL.i could'nt bring myself to shout to 41 students lah! so paiseh!
ended up i start current and he shouted(cool-ly)
i also think i today got hearing problems
could'nt remember much,only 1-'ms tang got baby?'
haha..very ridiculousxD think should'nt blast music liao
getting more and more tired each day,accumulating!

Monday, January 5, 2009

ohh no..crap should write more letters to eileen
haha..my assembly ass!!!ASS!!! HAHA
so surprise tt yunli wrote to me..so honoured:D
played many more games today and had new sitting arrangement
duh,so corner..so zi bi lah
reg 1 sit at door,now lesson sit at window at the other end
i'm gonna be so zibi!! arhh...
din know how to communicate with my partner
feel so bad not talking to her,yah,a girl somemore
wrote nonsensical letters to pple..haha..almost got killed
tmr's gg to start lesson le.. should i be excited or sad?
xiao niang re just ended and pple will come online more often

Friday, January 2, 2009

school was super cool today:D
change of form teachers, played some games in class
haha..the guys in my class quite guaixD
listen to wat the girls say..haha:p
the game rules:everyone have to touch the cube below 4 sec
so we suggested london bridge form and i ran through it
sweepping and missing pple's hands..haha.2.14 sec leh!!!!:D
and i was a one-day monitress too!
haha..lol.everyone started giving me there leave form
wah,headache sia..don't know wat to do!hahaxD
i'm so tired le..

Thursday, January 1, 2009

i'm so loving myself.
haha:p getting crazier each year:D

days grow longer and as the time goes by, things are taking their change. may love remain no matter how the weather change. may love remain no matter how tough the life may be. may love remain no matter how cruel the reality is.

Music by Jordin Sparks

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layout by Jacquelyn
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