One step at a time
It's like learning to fly or falling in love.

i want to fly:D
Friday, August 29, 2008

oley pple
being referee was tiring but cool
haha...keep blowing then quite annoying actually
saw pple 'zi sha' in the game
is like totally desperate for the others
standing outside,all you could say is either
jia you or wa lau
everyone was bias against filbert's team
but something just did'nt seem right there:)
anyway,mr chan was fabulouso!!
he's set-ting is perfect,bravo:D
reunion i did something horible,so malu!!
truly sorry mr ng
brought the class high today with mr lau dancing chicken dance cuz he lost in the game
haha...quite entertaining\
tim foong was ridiculous today..
oh my gosh,the tang song very interesting leh
training without a party:(
saw bball splashing water like it's free
okay,its free.
rachel lim look like she went swimming..lol
fun fUn FUN !!!!
heh.life is meant to be thrilling:(

Thursday, August 28, 2008

yay,holiday liao
celebrating teachers' day tmr...
and kelly noes how to fold ferrero flowers!!!
oh my gosh,that's so cool!!!!:)
went to peijun's hse to have a look
wow by the huge excitement gg on in the 3 storey-hse!
so rich lah..smore i go there 1/2h only then get free dinner
super enormously big wealth
back to the topic
did'nt score very well for the tests:(
did the physics retest and chem surprise test
really feel like crying for help
embracing myself to finish and do the best i could
now i noe how weak i am
jia you andrea...make thyself be approved not unto man
it comforts me when i see the man made in His likeness
created in His image...is'nt tt wonderful
i feel very blessed for who i am:D
for without me,you are a lesser man~'eileen'

Sunday, August 17, 2008

usain bolt


timo boll

olympics madness

1 more extra paper to go
then tada!!!i'll be free...
yay>>score and dance around
first thing i'll do after common test:
talk non-stop
stay happy and positive:D
crap noisely
laugh my ass out!!!!hahaxD
1st thing i'll do upon reaching home:
voted no.1 sleepy queen!
voted no.2 snack queen!
voted no.3 tv queen^.^
hehe..i'm so high today:P
oh on fri we trick jia hui say tt self-centered is you love others more than urself
eileen and i was like trying not to luagh
jiahui almost believe wat we said
olympics time!Micheal Phelps is a freak!
gosh 8 golds shimmering right be4 my eyes
i think i'll faint>.<
one guy wanted to beat him but lost by 0.01 sec
sad..anyway he so arrogant
then to usain bolt..oh my gosh
he's like lightning..
9 sec,ran while hitting his chest
haha then made a wrong choice to go to the audience
they were like hugging him profusely
like 'he's mine!!'
one guy even hug until fall ovr the supporter's barricade
he's shoes are like gold plated?!"beijing 100m" written on it
watched vball and table tennis..
the german guys very suai!haha:D
table tennis think cannot win liao..aiyah just take silver lor
china against china...own pple fighting later
i bet on jolene's packet of tissue tt we'll get silver!!!hahaxD

Friday, August 15, 2008

cram on common test
was really prepared for chem but din expect good results though
buzy with haetic sch life
8 more months to go
i really want it to end soon..
was on the verge,thinking abt some things
made to run the long and tired race
ran the rocky path with dignity
forced to comprehen to the things tt are happening
i'm really really tired...
exhausted with cramming
this is just a passing world
make my stand and respecting it
the heavy burdens i carry is enough to make me sink
i can't hold much longer
i've tried my very best
born to fake a smile across my face
wat will slogging begets.....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

oh my gosh...
the sangawa thingy is so gross
practically the man had eaten all of his body
disgusting...oh my gosh

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

tagboard's up pple
start talking and commenting:)
finally i found my ez-link
is in the san zar plastic bag
my sis found it so obviously it shows she ate alot of it
greedy and keeping it to herself
yay!!!!!can tap card le...
so pple plz treasure ur cards:D
e-maths and a-maths test on fri
sian getting borier>>>
cmi,almost had to teach my junior maths.
if she don't score well then i'm dead
so it's a blessing in disguise!!!hahaxD
nxt fri bio test with many common test coming right up
fri camp and sat go auntie's hse celebrate don't noe wat
where got time?!
okay..got to go liao
night pple...

Monday, August 4, 2008


Sunday, August 3, 2008

arrr!!!i lost my ez-link card
my condo card also!!!
eh...die liao.i'm gg to cry:(
put at the back of the car at imm
lucky brought down my hp
arrr>>>the ezlink is my mother's ziro
then if someone steal then can keep using
my mother's bank account!!!:(
went to the car many times to find
found only rubbish...
today bad day,almost forgot where i put my phone
mess now
don't know how to go to school and how to enter my condo???!!!!
condo card think have to pay $50 for misplace;

Friday, August 1, 2008

tmr got competition
i pray and hope i can do well
really really want to be in team or be a fantastic libro
actually i like to recieve pple's ball
spike and you manage to pass a good ball
slept in class today

was crawling out of bed though
saw the guys playing soccer today
super funny lah
especially the 4 goal keepers
sabo teo han..hahaxD
suddenly the girls and yanteng crazy over soccer
soccer flu now
plz don't spread to me cuz i got no time to play
and i don't think it's very interesting
haha...okay don't spoil the mood of pple who like it
el's b'day i reaching soon
and someone is looting me!!
plz tell me the present is nice
if not i'll kill the stupid looter:)
okay lah but el also everytime give free treats
though got to admit tt.... haha
yupp i still owe some pple present
haha...okay will find the time:P

days grow longer and as the time goes by, things are taking their change. may love remain no matter how the weather change. may love remain no matter how tough the life may be. may love remain no matter how cruel the reality is.

Music by Jordin Sparks

May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 April 2010 August 2011 September 2012

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