One step at a time
It's like learning to fly or falling in love.

Friday, June 27, 2008

played bballl this few days..got muscle pain and very tired
keep sleeping and eating inclass during bio lessons
feel very bad for ms lim...
irritating stuff
[treating someone good and getting their bad responses
i really feel very sad>>>
can't see the mirror image of you
only to be realistic...
bygones can't be bygones
never forget happenings in my life
the unhappiness and the heart beating events
shown right before my eyes
flashes of memories that i ccan't forget
'will someone plz tell me i'm okay...'
i am afraid of myself.....]
who am i?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Monday, June 23, 2008

did you'll contribute to GSS????
haha...i did leh
went shopping almost every day
i'm so like contributing lah
went to alot of shopping centres in the central area last friday
one after another
saw alot of clothes...and of cos contributing
think my mother gg to scream at me le if i contribute even more
lesson today,mr ng wanted class outing
we say east coast then he die die also don't want
hug onto west coast>>.so dumb lah
then some wanted ice-skating...yay!!
i'm the some anyway
very long never ice-skating liao
very long never eat sweet tt will make me happy also...
very long never sleep early liao
very long never super happy liao
very long.....
dislike pple who are not daring
hate those who ignore me
unhappy those who make me sad
those who give me a impression which i totally hate
love is hard to get while hatred is much easier....

father's day
Sunday, June 15, 2008

bad day,super tired from all the sneezing>>>
think i'm very weak now!!!
got lot's of h/w have'nt finish leh
going to be baptize soon liao
not very sure of my faith actually
don't know if i'm really prepared for it
***prayer of will and prepared mind*****
lots of pple cannot find the tag box...
yah.>>just click on the donkey with the girl pic on the top!!!
today is father's day pple!!!!
i din know until i heard it on the radio....
feel so bad tt nobody noe abt thiss wonderful day
father's a blessing and it's hard to find a comforter like them
so must treasure them!

i'm back again!
Saturday, June 14, 2008

boo...i'm back anyway
just got home
noe alot of pple miss me:)
i'm so famous!!!!yay!!:D
haha...went for church camp in malaysia,kuantan\
near a beach so everyday can go to the beach and play
rugby,frisbeee,vball,captain ball and soft ball
played for 4+ hour everyday
found out tt got alot of our jurong seniors...
so suprised! they noe me but i don't noe them
are'nt i famous?!haha...can't stop denying the fact>>LOL
beach vball help me to train also
think it's worst then training
but can dive for the ball in the sand,so cool
running in the sand is hard and tiring
back to the camp
messages were quite hard to understand
but i'm really trying to focus!
oh yah...i wake up 6+ every morning also
so don't think there's any difference with training
played table-tennis and vball with 2 guys
haha...they very smart and gd in sports!
played on testimony night,pon it
but i still win them!!!!haha....
made alot of new friends too!!!
love pple who are love sports!!!!hahaxD
i want to noe who is my shepherd!!!!
din expect tt u'll be my sheep in the end
haha...then made u realised it's me
so dumb>>>but well....
there every day got air con
now come back to singapore so hot lor
wa piang...cannot stand the weather here!!!
slept at 2am today...haha was playing some games
although ur hard work was'nt so appreciated,
but anyway it was quite interesting to know the story line
haha>>>think the game com quite upset tt we did'nt really played the game
just sit there and wanted them to feed us the ans
it's a treasure hunt game
haha...they went to take photos of places in hotel and photoshop it
put micheal jackson's photo inside
made all the girls freak out when they enlarge the photo
haha...then went to watch soccer with some pple and then sleep!!!
so quite tired and exhausted now...
can't think of much to say liao
so tata!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

thursday training as usual...
did some balancing ball stuff
2 balls tgt
haha then jiao lian want a competition
then i won!!!!last one who did not drop the ball:)
super happy
friday's training was fun also
played 2 balls tt is thrown into the court tgt
senior vs junior
haha;D super fun
2 balls flying around in the court
so the thing is tt must try to hit to the other person tt have the other ball
really it's so thrilling!!!!!
then had gym...we are like cheonging lah
cuz after tt we gg swimming
went to the jurong east stadium there
very boring there!no wave pool and only one slide!
then me and rupini was caught eating chewing gum while swimming
hahaxD so many pple in the pool looking at us lah!\
then at 5 i had to attend my church meeting
left the place,headed for tuas
grp meeting on a yatch out to the sea
at the malaysia link there
saw sun set
stood on the boat on the roof top
so romantic lah!
after meeting,we went to the roof top
lay on the mattress and see stars
headed back at 9
sat attended wedding
ate until i super full
tried smoked salmon!
hahaxD like eating some cooled jelly like tt
oh yah>>>tmr i gg to church camp le...
so pple don't call me ok
will miss ya!!!;)

drowning with h/w
Thursday, June 5, 2008

training as usual today....
ate two pieces of bread also not enough lor
super hungry!!!!:/
dadui with xiao de then someone keep on yacking!
super irritated lor!how to concentrate like tt!!
u'll must jia you hor...
then when to eat with el,sh,jhui
gossiping..>>>shhh..cannot tell you!;)
just realise tt after my church camp in malaysia nxt wk,
one more wk left leh!
6 more h/w left also!
die liao...this is my worst nightmare
a-maths now doing
super diff>>>skipping most of the ques!
huh...sian!super bored:(
post some pics bah!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

this f2w days i think the training quite good leh
although xiao de spoil our mood
don't know wat's wrong with them
like they'll give up on themself like tt
but i don't think they'll!!!!
playing libro was fun!!
get everyball u want,don't want then give the sides
haha:D actually working with teammates are better!
yesterday after training had to rush off
my parents fetch me to orchard
it's their anniversary actually...
went there to shop
walk the whole stretch of orchard 2 times
super tired at the start...
started sneezing and think have a bit fever bah
bare with it and shop
bought pink* one and a shirt
went around eating also
had been to an indonesian shop and toast box
honey with porkfloss on the peanut butter bread!!!
had 3 eggs>>hmmm...think got to exercise le
then out of orchard to alexandra to have our dinner
i'm like 3/4 full liao lah
but had stingray and kang kong
can't resist so ate a bit
continous sneezing man!!!
got home with high fever and flu!
my mother thinks tt it's becuz i'm STRESS
yah i totally agree with her
coping with vball and sch work and
get scolded indirectly for not concentrating on vball
huh...think i cannot take the presure le
so exploded within my body with sickness!!
everyday had to wake up early to go for cca
result in lack of sleep...and tireness
come back from cca got to do h/w
focuss and keep my eyes wide open
hard life this holiday
it's like no difference from sch
i'll take my stand on religion and not on wordly stuff
which one is more impt?wat do you think
God will come one day to punish those who persecute he's word
how i wish Christ would come now...
the ending of the world and judgement to the pple
if life is gg to continue like this
think i'm gg to land in the hospital!!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

feel like doing this..jumping down to the ocean


thinking of nothing but the world collapsing before me

won't it be nice?

Sunday, June 1, 2008

just want to say i'm sorry watever i did
friends still...
my mind is wondering off
hmm...don't know wat i shuld be thinking of
camp makes me distress from the worldly stuff
focuss andrea!!!focusssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!

days grow longer and as the time goes by, things are taking their change. may love remain no matter how the weather change. may love remain no matter how tough the life may be. may love remain no matter how cruel the reality is.

Music by Jordin Sparks

May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 April 2010 August 2011 September 2012

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