One step at a time
It's like learning to fly or falling in love.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

1) What's your ambition?
2) Who is more important to you? Friends or Boyfriend?
idk?both..but now i treasure friends more:)
3) Who is the person you trust most?
can't say
4) Do you have enough confidence?
not at the moment
5) Do you think you're approachable?
of cos!
6) Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after rain?
sure unless GOD take it away?!
7) What is your goal for this year?
get 5A's and live life happily
8) Do you believe in eternity love?
not really as in now
9) Have you broken someone's heart that he/she tried to commit suicide?
10) What feeling do you love most?
being hug by pple i like(as in friends)-securement
11) What are the requirements that you wish from the other half?
funny,not so vulgar,not flirt,easy going
12) List out 5 bestfriends of yours.
marilyn,yanbing,jolene,shermaine,krystal,deloras,some guys too
13) Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
14) What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
trusting God
15) Do you love yourself?
yah...make me so zi lian
16) Describe the person who tagged you in 5 words.
17) What have you done to please yourself?
eat sweets?
18) If time were to rewind, when will you want it to be?
sec 3(january)
19) Name one guy you are madly in love with.
madly sounds so....wrong(forgetting is better)
20) List 4 people out. Tagged them to do the quiz.

log camp

yay!!!!!i'm back
but quite miss there:(
really super fun!!!!!
it's like a cca camp kind of thing
the most relaxing camp i've been to?!
it's like a jetty fetching us across river to the camp.
then the building all logs one lor..
below is water so high tide then bye bye lor
had 2 new guides-student gg uni so work
made friends with them...the girl super chio lah!!!!
she's so cute and chio bu>>>>
anyway..went for swamp forest walk
super muddy and smore was raining lor
oh yah then saw the animal traps>>>
leeches are like worms super thin and small
not the big and fat juicy one we expected!!!\
move like the animation clip like tt...really!!!!haha:D
wenjie and farah got bitten,mr kes also!
luckily like me and marilyn trying to avoid all of them!!hahaxP
water obstacles..really super fun
everyone fell into the water like very grassy and bit muddy
haha...actually quite fun lah!!!
had log monkey bar and balancing stufff
then challenge yi huay(chiobu) to balancing..
haha both of us fell into water!!!LOL!!!
great food..really!!better then home cook food!!
kerosene lamp in front super stink...made new friends
2nd day go hiking 300m hill
cannot imsgine how tiring it is!!!
it's killing me the steep terrenne and no steps smore
super exhausted-ms leong and mrs pathy went too
imagine how they climbed!!!
roll down and tt's it!!haha:)
reach the top first!!!had 2 sweet from chen yu gin
had packed fried rice super nice!!!dan hungry!
walk on beach and got wet>>>
push kesovan down the waters
night campfire super boring
dinner was trapping house flies in plate!!haha..
then today went water fall played in the bus make fun of the she-male!!!
hahas..now super tired..want to be pig le,...bye bye:)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

must faster blog...
mother beside me:/
watching prison break on net
today went to buy lots of things
then krys sms me to say abt orange!!!!
haha.. will miss u'll too:P
super excited abt the mawai trip!!!
planning ahead now
struggling on h/w, faster do>>>>>>
oh yah..saw junior during marketing
dan hot weather lah!
can't life get any better
trying to live more meaningful...
think now training more interesting;)
i loveeeeeeeee da dui
oh yah then on fri eileen said wat the hell,
then jiao lian repeated it very loud!!!!
super funny lah!!eileen so embarrass:)
like LOL!!! din noe he's this type one!!!
like i totally diao lah...
then had a free pizza>>>
hungry and thirsty after training
nxt time we play ball with bball ok?
anyway..i'm super exciiiiiteeeeddd...kota tinggi!!!!
yay yay yay!!!!!!!!
lovveeeeee camps:)

Friday, May 23, 2008

result day
got quite bad but ok lah
48/208...think i deprove alot lor
like increase by 20 rank!!!!
SO LOUSY!!*^%#@
think i go poly liao lah...
shit my mother keep yacking
cuz i keep doing blog stuffff
got to go!!!!!!1

Thursday, May 22, 2008

haha;D just some photos abt the mawai trip i'm gg...very cool one!!!!!!!!

tis man here is gg to be my instructor!!:)

catching animals by creating trap

they say leech put saliva
can drown them!

leech on foot and cutting of tree branch,inside got 1L of water!unbelivable!!!!

tmr last day of sch le...
collect report bk! disgusting resultsxD
did very badly...very little As...
luckily don need to meet parents eh!!:)
i'm so lucky:p
still sick now...throat super pain after training..
very tired and worn out now!!!
make gd use of the chance..remember!!!!
packed holiday schedule with lots of chinese h/w>>>

fun day
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

played whole day today...
ran out of mrs chong's class;or rather she don't really care?
went to play with water hose!!!!hahaxD
never tried tt be4 lor..very scared get scolded:/
then innocently being sprayed by satish!!!uniform behind wet le lor!
whole floor also wet...wa lau...first time i did something so daring]
i spray weijin then satish>>>haha:D actually quite fun lah!!:)
never feel so out of the rules before***
i very guai one;never break sch rules one*****
this was super fun!!!!:P
quite sick today...huh!!!!got fever and soar throat..eyes on fire!
cannot eat anything...biscuit,rice,chicken...
everything also don't feel like eating..
sian***very hungry but only feel like drinking:(
then in class got farewell party for ms low..
got alot of snacks but wa sian***only can see and eat abit
now i super hungry..din eat lunch and recess..
first time i survived without eating until now!!!
just had mawai trip briefing..super fun lor!!!
got pic i can find then i show u'll!
super cool..the place we sleep
then got go mountain climbing,go out to river, swamp moving..waterfall!!!
totally cool lar and i love my group=D

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

wah today training a bit tiring
come back with flu...
hahaxD in class got free period just now
then discussing abt ms low's party,the dumb NG keep giving crappy comments
started throwing paper aeroplane at himxD
super funny:P so LOL lor!!!!
he took it and threw back at us...hahas:)
like friends like tt...didn know he so childish!!!!gosh******
slept in e-maths lesson until hands numb lor...like got electric current!!
me and juliana went to fetch qiantong's water bottle from 3-2
3rd level also can hear NG's voice
super loud can!!!!@#
went around the sch missing NG's lesson

Monday, May 19, 2008

think we're having fluctuated wet and dry seasons
weather forecast-doubly hot!!!!!
suppose to have some church outing today,kite flying comp??
instead i slept to 10a.m...very tired
huh!!!!i'm having some eye bags!!!nooooooooooooo....
dumb panda plz go away******
just came back from bugis street and OG
walk until my leg gg to break le and my back hurts!!
but anyway it's quite fruitful//bought some things tt i longed for..
haha;)can't say wat....
smthing orangy in color and i love it!!!!:D
anyway..the bugis there got alot of pple lor
luckily i went at 3+;hahas...i know i'm smart
pple making huge fumes of smoke....
make me so teary:/
think maybe tmr will rain!!!hope so..then no need to run compound le!!!
plz rain in the afternoon...:P
oh yah...tmr i getting ic le!!!
dunno is it a joy or dreadful ting..
got to sleep le..can't keep using the notebk
tmr gg to get scolding from teachers again!!!

fat andrea
Saturday, May 17, 2008

weather dan hot this few days..
sweating non-stop today!!plz sent some rain:/
oh yah..
HapPy belated B'Day MUmmY!!!xD
bought for her some things to eat:)
eat till she fat like the fatty ball=0
yesterday went to imm the cafe cartel and eat>>>
had big plate of pork ribs and also free flow of baguette with butter:)
then toppled up with the famous honey chicken drumsticks!!!!
the chicken was like red in the bones!!totally not fully cooked;(
is like a high class cafe and well-known for the chick but with blood??
so ridiculous@#$%^my mother like doubled boil soup,go complain and got free chick
this time the chicken was super cooked,super crispee and bit overcooked..
hahasxD she's very gd at this;)
so was her b'day...then got free cappuccino and carrot cake
carrot cake with cheese tt is****
super nice and bloated..think must go more physical le...
don't want to be like fattyyyyball!!!haha:P
went home and had blueberry cake!!!
oh man....i'm gonna be fat le!!!come on fat pig..do some exercise****
sian***someone just told me tt tmr no p.e
forgot is holiday!!!sian***always miss p.e one leh.
think tmr i gg out and eating somemore!!zzz...

campfire song

song dedication to deloras and siew hoon...hahaxD
campfire's burning in the dark dark night
you go
woo ye, yippee yippee ye(*2)

(sexy tone..hahasxD)

pop quiz
Friday, May 16, 2008


1)At what age do you wish to be married?
haha:D no idea..random

2) If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 3 buddies you'd take and why?
MARILYN>>self entertainment
yanbing>>an LOL person..
jolene>>positive and full of ideas??/

3) Where is the place that you want to go the most?
dream world!!:)

4) If you can have 1 dream come true, what would it be?
hug someone??!!!haha:P

5) Do you believe you can survive without money?
sure!!only seah cannot

6) What are you afraid to lose the most?
accompanyment and faith

7) If you win $1 Million, what would you do?
sit taxi everyday and travel overseas

8) If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
maybe??depends on his character

9) List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
eileen>>>random?LOL and stunning

10) What is your dream GIRL/BOY?
funny,a little mischevious, not flirtive.caring!!!xD

11) What kind of person do you hate the most?
BOOT-licker,hyprocrate,hurt me

12) If you are given the chance to go back to the past and make a difference, will you?
nope...let nature takes its course

13) Unconditional Love, what does it means to you?
LOL question...emm..love the person whole-heartedly,over come all obstacles with me,spend time with me,make me happy always and is willing to give up their precious stuff for me!!!

14) Any wisdom to share with your readers?
i'm dumb!!haha...wisdom=0

15) If there's ever a war(or things that are similar) happening in your place, are you going to move to a safer place or fight?
cry for help?? i rather go home super late

16) If you have the chance, which part of your character you would like to change?

17) Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
yanbing,and pple whom i trust

18) What's your weakest point?
soft-hearted,giving in to others

19) Think of the person who tagged you to do this quiz. What song do you relate him/her to?
graduation song??/

20) What is the one thing you regret most?

21)Name people who you want them to do this question.

yesterday was dying without a com...curbing my thirst for it#$%^!!!!haha:D
yest the 2 skinny pigs came to my hse after visiting carissa
we like go with jolene...
say hi to her then didn really talk much to her?:/
feel like a bit useless leh>>>
she super bored lah...only playing psp:(
gladwin teach me the cube until he like want to vomit blood le...hahaxD
thks anyway for transfering part of ur skills to me..hahaxD
my nose now like super pain lah!!osmosis into my nose???!!!
ok..too biology:)

my result suck leh!!!!it's really very bad****
a-maths-80/100 leh!!finally A1>>>but got lots & lots of careless
e-maths i never do one question lah###so dumb***wasted 2 marks:(
then the ng say i 2nd in position for CA in e-maths leh;make me feel so proxD
k..can't say too much..later pple say i boasting>>>haha:P
bad subjects are:::::
english,chem and phy!!!
phy i pass by 1 mark leh****!!!dan happy lAH!=_=
know u have high expectation for urself for some sub but anyway still jy k??
haha, go home and cry over results....

training was quite tired=_=
do lots of physical, training on pacs..hahaxD
went mac quite exhausted so din talk much
din know wat i was thinking***
sry if i make u'll bit worried???hahas
very hungry now..waiting for my mum to come back home
think giddy too***and some person keep saying i'm ______ cuz i want to vomit!!!!
dumb lah>>>***haha:P

emo kia
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

haha:Dpple say my blog very emo...
yahh!!!i agree!!haha:)
yesterday had the last and dumbest paper!!!
e-maths was ok to me...polygen side my ans is like-1
so no link lah..LOL!Don't care:)
know i got a few wrong le...think get B le bah:(
HATE E-MATHS!!!IT SUCKS#$%^&*@#$!!!!!!
after exam i had some dumb gym...while some other pple went to play bball####!!!!
haha:P i envy u leh...then went to da dui with siao de,1 all>>>
so super exhausted after that!!!!
yanbing and jolene waiting for me at hospital so i rushed down...sry did'nt tell u'll where i was gg and suddenly disappered..haha
visit carissa..think she much better le bah...can talk more and look more vibrant:D

night time was boring!!!eager waiting for my mother to finish using the laptop!!faster!!##$%^zzz...
finally...then she let me use!!!huh.....

trust???really random leh!!!!did'nt know how to answer u at first...
quite amuse or rather shock by the question..
anyway..think my answer is yes and no...but more of yes!!!haha:P
seem quite happy after tt o.0
haha..k have a gd rest after a long and exhausted day
gd night###:)

Monday, May 12, 2008

would u stand by me and walk me through the alley of darkness or leaving only a pair of footprint behind??i'm scared and tired of walking through darkness,no shadow,no footprints left behind??give me and lead me to a pathway of light and a world without sorrow...don't throw me into a dungeon of wrath and greive!!!

erasing the past is tough

chem was super duple hard lah..forgot all the things i memorised.then so many pple say easy and cmlete it like super fast.die liao lah....3 science only supported by 1 bio!!!!xD cmi le...think i should be dropping triple science and let others have a chance to take over my place:/i'm wasting a place in 3-5 lah....shld have gone to 3-4>>over the weekends many things happen...everytime also giddy and gong gong one!think must eat more sweet and choc le...don't want to faint in sch..haha:D
>>smthing's in my mind tt i'll never forget, the moment of diff feelings at diff time of the day...it's gg down and fast.would i call it a fairytale??or it's just my thinking and emotion affecting my thoughts??wold never forget these..wat i said to u was'nt the real thing...however some were from wat i felt..u shuld understand?!avoiding is not wat i like...i know it's hard to return to the past.how i wish i could screw back the time when we enjoyed eah other's accompanyment.not by loving, but by joking and casually talking.hope u understand wat i feel knowing it's diff to erase the past,all i know is to look forward to the present.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Friday, May 9, 2008

Papers were hard today..had e-maths and bio!!!
A lot of things to memorise…slept at 11+,woke up at 5 to study e-maths!!!!!I know tt this cannot be compared to all yr sleeping hours but I use to sleeping early liao.J tt’s why pple like marilyn and bing always call me a pig!!!haha;)
Was very giddy and blur in the morning…lack of sleep is obvious:/
God help me to stay focus!!!!!
Test was quite diff especially bio paper>>after sch had a long and boring day of gym…time tickes sloooowlyyy…
Went to meiji factory..haha so many indiff things!!!sweets and choc!!!!J
Went to visit carissa, accidently touch her bed then she’s like screaming away lah!!!
Her injuries were like super serious lah..think after june holidays then can come back to sch..miss her humour!!!!
Feeling very giddy and fainting spells are abt to occur…help me!!!I don want to go into a world of darkness and troubled life…distress me!!! I only want to lead a carefree and normal life…..know tt surrounding pple is always giving me their support and care abt me!!! I feel so warm<>

hugs and tugs

hugging is free!!!haha:)hugs are for securement and comfort.confidence will regain and live our life meaningful!!!:P

i'm in control

yesterday i dare to struggle,today i dare to win!!!!life is a uphill struggle...
u float or sink is up to you...will i float or sink???

make history!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

my template keep changing and changing...so irritating!!think it's gg to stay on like this...cmi...
today eng test quite ok lah...after doing the malvis paper,,think it's much easier!!
for those who don jnow anything..the mavis paper is A level paper!!yahh..now u get it??so tough tt i failed miserbily:(
first time in my life i fail my english paper leh...
haha:)yanbing and marilyn came over to my hse after tuition!!E-maths really cmi le:/
think we gg to climb the guilin hill!!we'll make history!!!!:D

forbidden kingdom
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

a should and must watch!!!like the time where jackie and jet li fight!!!super cool:)


huh!!!i love this movie!!although i never see part one;)

lord of the rings

1 of my favourites too...went to watch all the series!!good story line


oh yah..today i hear tt carrisa got knock down by a taxi!!!!!!so shocking lah...
think must be jay-walking with cassandra.heard tt chasing a bus at back gate after sch???
horrified news!!so super stunning lah...cassandra must be like heng lah...poor carrisa..crying in agony:/ok..like feeling the pain of flesh and broken skeleton in me body..oozing fresh and laying the the road helplessly!!!gosh...so scary!!pray tt she's alright....


aiya..today phy so difficult lah!!!then the 3-2 pple say wat very easy...especailly tim!!!haha:)anyway..know tt tim will get A one lor..super sure tt he will!!!brainaic:D
i was stuggling on the fusion thingy lah..then the test paper like very limited time,
so must tink fast.haha:)luckily manage to finsh on time!!!think will just pass or maybe fail..but think on the positive side..haha:)a-maths was normal standard to me..(ok; i'm not trying to boast here) but think ok lah..just for the last question-daio stunt!!plz give me method marks:P hope tt will score A1. nxt few days are tough subject exp bio!!!think should start cheonging now...

happy b'day eileen!!:)
Sunday, May 4, 2008

huh...trying to concentrate and study!!!can't drill ss into my head!!chinese alr can't get even a 'c' le....must continue to work hard!!bio and geog and e-maths have'nt even revise yet leh:/
how i wish i got 3/4 of eileen's brain!!haha:D how i wish burning the book and drinking it works>>haha.anyway...happy early b'day eileen..love you foreva:)
hope all my teammates and close friends get lots of 'a' in their exams!!!!


feel tt ple around me are abit sad and troubled too....
set ur heart and follow ok...even if i don't say it out does'nt mean i don't know...
for ppl that are mugging continuously...take care of urself and don't fall sick eh:)
jia you for the mye tmr and the following wks:D
for studying or in diff times in r/s, plan and manage ur times properly and concentrate on ur studies for now first ok?;)cry out if u feel uncomfortable and u got no one to talk to...it always help...
remember tt there are many love one and friends beside u tt care and give concern to you...although my advice may not be very good for you..but i hope tt it'll encourage u to carry on in life and be gay!!!!

brand new beginning
Saturday, May 3, 2008

yay...a brand new day!!!
went to church...had to come out with a plan for presentation...where got time????
time plz stop for me...
yahh..controlling is in my hands...it is how i manage it.
thks for all the encouragement pple beside me had given;)
trying to concentrate and study ss...
have'nt even study bio and geog and e-maths...
p.s:don't think ttt i'm pro in e-maths..really!!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

rupini i feel tt we're very far apart now...not like how we are 1 year ago!!!
know u have ur own personal problems but everyone in the team must bond tgt ok??!!!!
teammates are meant to help each other...support one another.


this is specially for the person who love toblerone!!!
plz don't follow ur mind!!listen to us...true feelings!!
make the right decision plz for other's sake...haha:D
(u know wat i'm talking abt!!!)

what's happening??/

haha:)write again...my parents don't allow me to use the msn alr:(
only on weekends leh...xD
think i cry until my eyes like very tired!!lol!!
yah..anyway this few days alot of things happen to me!!!
sad things mostly..but i got a great counsellor and hypnotizer beside me!!!haha:D
weijin..cheer up ok???sry..if i said the wrong things to you...

hidden feelings

today...chinese is very bad!!!totally difficult...die liao:/
what happen nxt was counted weird to me...some of u know tt i cried!!haha...
think i lost control of myself...feeling so stress and having tight up to the neck schedule!!!huh!!! and plz don't disturb weijin...it's not his fault!!!really:D some others bah...think my teammates should know my thoughs??sry..if i scare u'll today..think crying is the best solution to relieve stress!!haha..kind of weird!!
i'm so tired and worn out after a day of a-maths tuition after gym:(
mainly i did this blog to show my feelings...know tt this feel days the surrounding pple will feel tt i'm weird??/think a bit emo bah....

birth of blog!!!

hi pple....
welcome to andrea ong's one and only blog:)haHA:D
plz respect my blog...it's a new one...:/

days grow longer and as the time goes by, things are taking their change. may love remain no matter how the weather change. may love remain no matter how tough the life may be. may love remain no matter how cruel the reality is.

Music by Jordin Sparks

May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 April 2010 August 2011 September 2012

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